DrJacka @DrJacka
1 month
Bret Hart truly has my highest respect.
Few have experienced as much pain and loss as he has. Brian Pillman passed in October of '97, His own brother was killed right in the ring, British Bulldog passed away less than a year later, he himself had his career ended after suffering from a stroke, but he still hangs his head high. He actually isn't nearly as bitter as the internet depicts him. They very quickly forget that he's a five time WWE Champion, Two time WCW Champion, won nearly every belt there is to win, and has wrestled in five different decades, beginning with Stampede Wrestling in 1976.
The man is a living legend and deserves his flowers. #wwe #brethart
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DrJacka @DrJacka
1 month
Sting and Ric Flair, The Nature Boy #nwa #wcw
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