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Swoleog @Swoleog
5 h
Billionaire George Soros recently bought 200+ radio stations in 40 markets with 165 million listeners.

Joe Biden's FCC fast-tracked the deal before the November election.

Remember this when Democrats claim an "oligarchy" will form in Trump's America.
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Swoleog @Swoleog
6 h
Drake Gets NFL To Shut Down Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl Halftime ? #drake #nfl
Drake Gets NFL To Shut Down Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl Halftime ? - YouTube

🚨Grab Your Beard Oil Here https://adonisomari.com The NFL apparently wants nothing to do with the Drake and Kendrick Lamar beef and is attempting to duck th...

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Swoleog @Swoleog
3 d
Ex-NBC Anchor Drops Bo.mbshell, Reveals
Former NBC anchor Billy Bush has alleged media bias against Donald Trump during his 2016 presidential campaign. In an interview with Tucker Carlson, Bush claimed major networks, including ABC News, mobilized investigative teams to target Trump. He cited a 75-person unit at ABC News dedicated to uncovering damaging stories about Trump, which he described as “activism” rather than journalism.

Bush’s comments have sparked intense debate, with critics questioning the role of media in political campaigns. His claims highlight ongoing concerns about impartiality in journalism and its influence on public perception during elections.
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Charleston White @Charlestonwhite
13 d
Charleston White believes the younger generation is influenced by negative trends, with young women embracing promiscuity and young men drawn to a culture of gangs. #CharlestonWhite
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Swoleog @Swoleog
22 d
WASHINGTON — The National Archives has finally released photos showing then-Vice President Biden meeting with two of first son Hunter Biden’s Chinese government-linked business partners — again proving that the president lied about not interacting with his family’s foreign patrons.

The cache of photos, released long after their potential political salience and days before Biden retires on Jan. 20, also show Chinese President Xi Jinping grinning as then-Vice President Biden introduced his son during the same December 2013 trip to Beijing.

The Xi-Hunter Biden encounter, which had not previously garnered much attention, appears to have been at a meal Hunter described in an email to his former associate Devon Archer as “pretty amazing” because his dad and China’s powerful authoritarian leader “were supposed to spend 2hrs together [but it] stretched to 7hrs. I think they are in love.”

Xi was about two months into his ambitious “Belt and Road” foreign-influence and investment campaign — and a Chinese state-backed company aligned with that vision, BHR Partners, was in the process being co-launched by Hunter.

The newly released photos, which would have been politically explosive if they were released during the now-closed House impeachment inquiry into alleged Biden family corruption, show the elder Biden shaking hands with incoming BHR Partners CEO Jonathan Li and greeting the company’s managing director Ming Xue.

Joe Biden later wrote college recommendation letters for both of Li’s children and, according to Archer, greeted Li during a subsequent speaker-phone conversation when Hunter returned to Beijing.

BHR Partners was officially registered as a company 12 days after Air Force Two landed in Beijing with the Biden family for that trip, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Biden and Obama legal shenanigans ensured these photos weren’t released before the election or the Big Guy’s pardon. America First Legal had to sue the National Archives to get these photos.
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DrJacka @DrJacka
2 months
Conservative US influencer Candace Owens is barred from New Zealand weeks after a ban from Australia
https://www.yahoo.com/news... #candeceowens #
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